If you find our organization worth the attention. If you are still enrolled in PATTS and want to join our growing family in Alpha Phi Omega, then I believe you are in the right directions.
Joining us brings your career to high levels. We already have numerous alumni’s working worldwide in the field of Aeronautics, Air transport, Avionics and such. Thus, we value our camaraderie and we share each other goals, adherence and principles where ever we are and where ever we might be.
Being one of us promotes 3 core values. We develop strong Leadership skills, we render unwavering Service to Humanities/School/Community/Fraternity during and after your collegiate residency and lastly, we promote lasting Friendships. Other benefits includes, interactions with fellow brothers and sisters in different schools and universities nationwide.
Our advantage among the rest – Being a member does not end during college residency. In fact, it was just the beginning of our journey.
We are forever brother and sisters of Alpha Phi Omega.
To join us:
Please fill up the form below stating your intent along with your email and contact numbers. After which we will respond to you for additional information, meet up and briefings.
Once again we thank you for your interest!